Here's another graphic that shows R colors in a table, from Earl Glynn
of the Stowers Institute of Medicine:

If the link doesn't bring up the page (my didn't initially), Google on
'Earl Glynn Stowers' and look for the link 'Chart of R Colors'.


On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 6:46 AM, Millot Gael <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> May I suggest to add an example in the help page of the colors() function ?
> The following code could be useful to easily choose any color from colors() :
> ## Millot G. (2011), p.71.
> ## Figure displaying all the 657 built-in color names of colors().
> palette(colors())
> tempo<-NULL
> for(i in 14:1){tempo<-c(tempo, rep(i,50))}
> windows(width=10) # replace by quartz(width=10) for MacOS and by 
> X11(width=10) for Linux
> par(ann=FALSE, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n")
> plot(rep(1:50,14)[1:657], tempo[1:657], pch=22, bg=1:657, cex=1.5, bty="n")
> par(xpd=TRUE)
> axis(side=2, at=14:1, labels=, cex.axis=1.5, srt=90)
> text(rep(-2, 14), 14:1, as.character((0:13)*50+1), srt=0, cex=1)
> text(c(10,20,30,40,50), rep(-0.5,5), c(10,20,30,40,50), srt=0, cex=1)
> ## palette(colors()) allow to replace the color names by the numbers indicated
> ## in the figure.
> palette(colors())
> plot(1, col=630, pch=16, cex=10) # 630 is "tomato"
> This code comes from the page 71 of the book I published in french:
> Millot G. Comprendre et réaliser les tests statistiques à l'aide de R, 2nd 
> edition. De Boeck editions, Bruxelles . 2011, 767 pages.
> I wrote it since my students usually complain about the difficulty to select 
> a color
> from colors() when the names are displayed.
> Kind regards,
> Gael Millot.
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