On 13 February 2012 at 16:09, Lorenzo wrote:
| Hello all,
| I'm trying hard to make R CMD SHLIB work on Windows XP (32-bit) - please

Have a look at the countless examples and hundreds of unit tests in the Rcpp
package.  Almost all of them work by using the inline package to compile,
link and load shared libraries on the fly.

And yes, it all works fine on Windows XP.  [ We do here that people on
Windows 7 have to fight with security and admin settings though. ]

You "merely" need to install Rtools right and get your PATH settings sorted
out.  This is documented in numerous places.


| note that I don't have the admin rights on the computer.
| In terms of setup, I have followed the procedure :
| => installed Rtools 2.14
| => changed my path :
| But when I try R CMD SHLIB *.* I have litterally nothing, no output at all.
| (and R CMD INSTALL debug tells me, of course that the operation failed while
| calling R CMD SHLIB)
| I tried the command R CMD SHLIB -n, which gives me : 
| make -f "C:/Trading/R/R-2.14.1/etc/i386/Makeconf" -f
| "C:/Trading/R/R-2.14.1/share/make/winshlib.mk" SHLIB= OBJECTS= 
| So I had a closer look at these two files, and found some strange things in
| Makeconf, for example a variable LOCAL_SOFT with a d: path which has nothing
| to do with my configuration :
| LOCAL_SOFT = d:/RCompile/CRANpkg/extralibs/local
| Ok, the thing is, my Makeconf is strange, but when I actually use the 
| """ make -f "C:/Trading/R/R-2.14.1/etc/i386/Makeconf" -f
| "C:/Trading/R/R-2.14.1/share/make/winshlib.mk" SHLIB= OBJECTS=  """ 
| directly in the command prompt, it works more or less.
| I managed to build a simple dll based on C code (convolve2.dll, from the
| example), but couldn't build any dll based on c++ code.
| Is my SHLIB properly set up ? Why do I have a strange Makeconf ? Should I
| try to find a proper version of the file ? or reinstall R ?
| Does anyone have any idea how to fix that ?
| Been trying to fix it for a long time now !
| Thanks in advance !
| Lorenzo
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