On 12-03-05 6:58 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:
Hi Oliver,

On 03/05/2012 09:08 AM, oliver wrote:
On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 03:53:28PM +0000, William Dunlap wrote:
I haven't used Julia yet, but from my quick reading
of the docs it looks like arguments to functions are
passed by reference and not by value, so functions
can change their arguments.  My recollection from when
I first started using S (in the course of a job helping
profs and grad students do statistical programming, c. 1983)
is that not having to worry about in-place algorithms changing
your data gave S a big advantage over Fortran or C.

C also uses Call-by-Value.

C *only* uses Call-by-Value.

While literally true, the fact that you can't send an array by value, and must send the value of a pointer to it, kind of supports Bill's point: in C, you mostly end up sending arrays by reference.

Duncan Murdoch

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