It's normal for me to create a list of data.frames and then use'rbind', list(...)) to create a single data.frame. However, I've noticed as the size of the list grows large, it is perhaps better to do this in chunks. As an example here's a list of 20,000 similar data.frames.

# create list of data.frames
dat <- vector("list", 20000)
for(i in seq_along(dat)) {
  size <- sample(1:30, 1)
dat[[i]] <- data.frame(id=rep(i, size), value=rnorm(size), letter=sample(LETTERS, size, replace=TRUE), ind=sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), size, replace=TRUE))
# combine into one data.frame, normal usage
# system.time('rbind', dat)) # takes 2-3 minutes
combine <- function(x, steps=NA, verbose=FALSE) {
  nr <- length(x)
  if( steps <- nr
  while(nr %% steps != 0) steps <- steps+1
  if(verbose) cat(sprintf("step size: %s\r\n", steps))
  dl <- vector("list", steps)
  for(i in seq(steps)) {
    ix <- seq(from=(i-1)*nr/steps+1, length.out=nr/steps)
    dl[[i]] <-"rbind", x[ix])
  }"rbind", dl)
# combine into one data.frame
system.time(combine(dat, 100)) # takes 5-10 seconds

I'm very surprised by this result. Does this improvement seem reasonable? I would think "" could utilize something similar by default when the length of "args" is too high. Is using "" not recommended in this scenario?

Cole Beck

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