
OK, thanks for the information...

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:02:33PM -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 24 April 2012 at 12:39, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> | On 24/04/2012 12:31 PM, oliver wrote:
> | > Hello,
> | >
> | > what if I want to write a package mixed R/C-extension
> | > and want to use code that is provided by other peoples packages?
> | >
> | > How for example can I use one of the provided wavelet packages
> | > from within my C-based R-extension?
> | >
> | > Somehow I would need to load the other packages and have access to the
> | > functions they provide.
> | > I mean I don't want to use the other packages via R-level, but directly
> | > on the C-layer. Something like shared libs (dlopen and such stuff)
> | > but via R-API.
> | >
> | > Is there a general aproach to this, and how to do it?
> | 
> | See "Registering native routines" in the Writing R Extensions manual.
> And there are over 120 packages providing access:
>    CITAN Cubist GOSim KernSmooth MASS MSBVAR Matrix NetComp PMA PopGenome
>    QuACN RCurl RODBC RTextTools Rcpp Rigroup Rlabkey Rmosek Rmpfr Rook Rserve
>    Runuran SASxport SMCP SoDA TraMineR XML actuar adaptivetau akima aster
>    aster2 bcv bda blme boolfun bstats canvas caret catnet cgh chron class
>    climdex.pcic clpAPI clue cluster copula cplexAPI cplm datamap devEMF
>    edesign expm fastICA fastcluster ff flsa foreign fracdiff fuzzyRankTests
>    gb glpkAPI gmp gputools grpreg gsmoothr heavy hypred ifs ifultools int64
>    interactivity kza lattice lfe lme4 locfit lpSolveAPI markdown mgcv minqa
>    mugnet ncvreg nlme nnet pedigreemm phangorn phmm potts ppstat qtbase
>    qtpaint quadprog rPorta randtoolbox rcdd rdyncall rgeos rggobi rmongodb
>    rngWELL robustbase rpart rphast rrp rtfbs sde sensitivityPStrat sp spatial
>    spdep spsurvey spt tree tripack uncompress vines xlsReadWrite xts yaml zoo

But no wavelets stuff... (?)
(It was more than an example, I'm look for wavelet decompositioning.)

> Matrix and lme4 is the prototypical example by R Core, MASS also provides
> something.  I'd probably start with zoo and xts ...

You mean with "start with" that I could look how to allow exporting
for my own package?

At the moment I'm rather looking for how to import symbols and access 
of othera people's packages ...


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