Sometimes I have hundreds of CSV files scattered in a directory tree,
resulting from experiments' executions. For instance, giving an example
from my field, I may want to collect the performance of a processor for
several design parameters such as "cache size" (possible values: 2, 4, 8
and 16) and "cache associativity" (possible values: direct-mapped, 4-way,
fully-associative). The results of all these experiments will be stored in
a directory tree like:

  |-- direct-mapped
  |       |-- 2 -- data.csv
  |       |-- 4 -- data.csv
  |       |-- 8 -- data.csv
  |       |-- 16 -- data.csv
  |-- 4-way
  |       |-- 2 -- data.csv
  |       |-- 4 -- data.csv
  |-- fully-associative
  |       |-- 2 -- data.csv
  |       |-- 4 -- data.csv

I am developing a package that would allow me to gather all those CSV into
a single data frame. Currently, I just need to execute the following

dframe <- gather("results/@ASSOC@/@SIZE@/data.csv")

and this command returns a data frame containing the columns ASSOC, SIZE
and all the remaining columns inside the CSV files (in my case the
processor performance), effectively loading all the CSV files into a single
data frame. So, I would get something like:

ASSOC,          SIZE, PERF
direct-mapped,       2,     1.4
direct-mapped,       4,     1.6
direct-mapped,       8,     1.7
direct-mapped,     16,     1.7
4-way,                   2,     1.4
4-way,                   4,     1.5

I would like to ask whether there is any similar functionality already
implemented in R. If so, there is no need to reinvent the wheel :)
If it is not implemented and the R community believes that this feature
would be useful, I would be glad to contribute my code.

Thank you,

P.S: I was not sure whether to submit this question to R-devel or R-help,
but since it may lead to some programming discussion I decided to post it
to R-devel. Please, let me know if it is better to move it to the other

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