>>>>> Benilton Carvalho <beniltoncarva...@gmail.com>
>>>>>     on Sat, 7 Jul 2012 03:49:34 +0100 writes:

    > Hi,

    > I'm working on an S4 class that is expected to behave like an array.

    > I have some difficulties when defining '[' and I wonder if someone
    > could point me to the right direction:

    > 1) Call the S4 object "obj"
    > 2) Assume dim(obj) = c(10, 4, 2)
    > 3) Suppose someone calls: obj[1:3,] , which is a mistake, given
    > dim(obj); how do I detect such situations?

yes, a good question with a tricky answer.
Actually not only relevant for S4,  and hence one of the basic
tricks is already visible in   [.data.frame :
--- you need to use nargs() in addition to others more well
known tools ---

*and* it is trickier than you think:

Not only want you differentiate between  
  obj[ i , ]
  obj[ i , , ]

but more importantly,
  obj[ i ]
  obj[ i , ]
and that's  where nargs() comes into play
(as 'j', the 2nd argument is missing in both cases, you cannot
 use that check alone).

In my CRAN package  Rmpfr  {Interface R <--> MPFR library for
                                      arbitrary precision arithmetic}
I use S4 classes and methods extensively, as two argument
dispatch is the most natural paradigm for arithmetic.
Here is the part (from Rmpfr/R/array.R )
which implements "[" for 'mpfrArray':
{but you probably want the full package in src to understand all
 the details}:

.mpfrA.subset <- function(x,i,j, ..., drop) {
    nA <- nargs()
        message(sprintf("nargs() == %d  mpfrArray indexing ... ", nA))

    r <- getD(x)# data part of x, a list()
    if(nA == 2) ## A[i]
        return(new("mpfr", r[i]))
    ## else: nA != 2 : nA > 2 -
    dim(r) <- (dx <- dim(x))
    dimnames(r) <- dimnames(x)
    r <- r[i,j, ..., drop=drop]
    if(drop && is.null(dim(r)))
        new("mpfr", r)
    else {
        D <- if(is.null(dr <- dim(r))) # ==> drop is FALSE; can this happen?
            rep.int(1L, length(r)) else dr
        x@Dim <- D
        x@Dimnames <- if(is.null(dn <- dimnames(r)))
            vector("list", length(D)) else dn
        if(length(D) == 2 && class(x) != "mpfrMatrix")
            ## low-level "coercion" from mpfrArray to *Matrix :
            attr(x,"class") <- getClass("mpfrMatrix")@className
        attributes(r) <- NULL
        setDataPart(x, r, check=FALSE)

## "["
setMethod("[", signature(x = "mpfrArray", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"),

## this signature needs a method here, or it triggers the one for "mpfr"
setMethod("[", signature(x = "mpfrArray", i = "ANY", j = "missing",
                         drop = "missing"),

    > Thank you very much for your attention and time,
    > benilton

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