On 06.10.2012 18:02, Winston Chang wrote:
In the code for install.packages, I see that if Ncpus>1, it passes the
Ncpus to make, as in 'make -k -j 32'. Is it possible that these
packages are failing because of this option to make?

It is perfectly correct option: please do your homework before posting as the 
posting guide asked of you.

The question isn't about whether these are valid make options. I
realize that '-j <n>' is a valid option for make, just like Ncpus is a
valid option for install.packages. The question is whether that option
is unexpectedly resulting in failed compiles for some packages.

I think Brian answered this already:
Not unexpectedly. It fails in case when a package installation requires another package and that is installed at the same time or not yet installed. Such things happen when install time dependencies are not correctly declared. R CMD check finds (at least most of) such declaration errors nowadays.

Uwe Ligges

Has anyone else run into this issue before?

Yes.  It is due to missing dependencies between packages.   I find this works 
well on CRAN *provided* that the BioC repositories are also selected so that 
dependencies can be traced via BioC dependencies. However, BioC does have a 
fair few missing dependencies in its packages (run R CMD check over BioC to see 

Take a look at the logs of the failed packages.  One I see frequently is that 
ddgraph fails because it depends indirectly on RBGL which takes a long time to 
install and is still being done.

Thanks, I'll take a closer look at these those cross dependencies.


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