
I am migrating my package lambda.r to R3.0.0 and am experiencing some issues 
with the getParserData function (which replaces the parser package). Basically 
the function works in the R shell but fails when either called from RUnit or 
from R CMD check. 

I've narrowed it down to the function getSrcfile, which is returning different 
values depending on the code path. From the command line (works okay):

debug: srcfile <- getSrcfile(x)
debug: if (is.null(srcfile)) return(NULL) else data <- srcfile$parseData
Browse[2]> srcfile

When running from the Runit script I get this instead:
debug: srcfile <- getSrcfile(x)
debug: if (is.null(srcfile)) return(NULL) else data <- srcfile$parseData
Browse[3]> srcfile

Below is an example calling the getParserData from the command line:
> text <- "abs_max(a, b) %::% numeric:numeric:numeric"
> parse(text=text)
expression(abs_max(a, b) %::% numeric:numeric:numeric)
> getParseData(parse(text=text))
   line1 col1 line2 col2 id parent                token terminal    text
27     1    1     1   42 27      0                 expr    FALSE        
14     1    1     1   13 14     27                 expr    FALSE        
1      1    1     1    7  1      3 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL     TRUE abs_max
3      1    1     1    7  3     14                 expr    FALSE        
2      1    8     1    8  2     14                  '('     TRUE       (
4      1    9     1    9  4      6               SYMBOL     TRUE       a

The RUnit call from the command line is

and fails because of the NULL value of srcfile. The first line of the runit 
test file is
  abs_max(a, b) %::% numeric:numeric:numeric

Any insights are appreciated.


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