On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 13-01-15 7:39 PM, Peter Meilstrup wrote:
>> Within I'm using an environment as a hashtable to cache the results of
>> some
>> repeated computations in a package. The thing is that the contents of the
>> cache will not be valid across R sessions, so I would like to make sure
>> that the cache is cleared if the user saves or restores the workspace (or
>> when a package is prepared for lazy loading, etc.). Is there a way to mark
>> an environment so that its contents do not serialize?
> Seems like the refhook argument to serialize() could do that.
> Duncan Murdoch
But I don't see where e.g. save() allows specifying which refhook to use
(or more generally how to ensure that the user always supplies an
appropriate refhook.) Or how to tell R CMD BUILD to use a refhook. Unless I
misunderstand when refhook comes into play.

One example of the kind of thing I'm looking for is in Matlab, where you
can have loadobj() or saveobj() methods; if a class has these methods they
will be used to mangle objects of that class as they are de/serialized.


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