This seems related also. Using to capture ... arguments returns
odd results for missing arguments. Compare against another method of
capturing ... expressions:

capture_subst <- function(...) eval(substitute(alist(...)))
capture_match <- function(...)$...

f1 <- function(..., capture) {

f1(x=1, q=, capture=capture_subst)
f1(x=1, q=, capture=capture_match)

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Peter Meilstrup

> Hi R-devel. Is the following behavior in g1() and h1() expected? It seems
> to make "..." arguments work slightly differently from named arguments.
> #missing() has the property that it looks "up the chain"
> #for example, "z" can be missing in f3 even if
> #that argument did have a name ("y") in f2
> f1 <- function(x, ...) {
>   cat("In f1, missing(x) is ", missing(x), "\n")
>   f2(x, ...)
> }
> f2 <- function(y, ...) {
>   cat("In f2, missing(y) is ", missing(y), "\n")
>   f3(y, ...)
> }
> f3 <- function(z, ...) {
>   cat("in f3, missing(z) is ", missing(z), "\n")
> }
> f1( , 2) #all TRUE
> #does this also work with ... arguments? It seems to lose track.
> g1 <- function(...) {
>   cat("In g1, missing(..1) is ", missing(..1), "\n")
>   g2(...)
> }
> g2 <- function(...) {
>   cat("In g2, missing(..1) is ", missing(..1), "\n")
>   g3(...)
> }
> g3 <- function(...) {
>   cat("in g3, missing(..1) is ", missing(..1), "\n")
> }
> g1( , 2) #TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ?!
> # we can also elicit this lossiness without looking at the virtual ..n
> # symbols:
> h1 <- function(x, ...) {
>   cat("in h1, missing(x) is ", missing(x), "\n")
>   h2(x, ...)
> }
> hh1 <- function(...)
>   h2(...)
> h2 <- function(...)
>   h3(...)
> h3 <- function(z, ...)
>   cat("in h3, missing(z) is ", missing(z), "\n")
> h3( , 1) #missing in h3
> h2( , 1) #missing in h3
> h1( , 1) #missing in h1 but NOT h3
> hh1( , 1) #also not missing in h3

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