On 03/21/2013 10:00 AM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
I would think that the ability to hit the Tab key to trigger name
>>  completion in your R GUI makes partial matching almost useless. The
>>  avantage of interactive completion in the GUI is that you immediately
>>  see the result of the partial matching. So you get the best of both
>>  worlds: no need to type long variable names in full, but no traps when a
>>  match is not what you would expect.
>> >> Doesn't this suit your use case?
>  Good point.  This works well at the command line.  However, not when 
interacting between emacs and R in the way I do.  For reproducability I use and 
emacs file that is being corrected and massaged with chunks submitted to R; at the 
end I have a clean record of how the result was obtained.
If this is really true (that ESS doesn't complete in R files) then this seems 
more like a bug (or wish?) report for ESS - other editors correctly support 
code completion in R documents - after all this is a feature of R, so they 
don't need to re-invent the wheel.

If you are running the R process inside ESS then there is matching -- it is R. Doing this, keeping a log file, and then post-hoc cleaning up all the cruft from that file is one way to keep documentation. But since for my analyses the number of models/plots/etc that turn out to be detours or dead ends on the way to a solution is larger than the worthwhile part (typos alone are lots larger) I prefer to keep the file(s) as their own buffers and submit bits of them to an R process either by cut-paste to a separate window or ess-submit to an inferior process. Emacs can't do name completion in that case. Nor could it do so in an Sweave file, unless you were to keep a live R process in hand to pre-test chunks as you wrote them. (One could reasonably argue that when one gets the Sweave stage the names should be expanded.)

To summarize: my own interactive mix of emacs/R may be unusual. For pure interactive folks completion does most of the work. I hadn't tried the newest ESS interactive-within-emacs till today, it's slick as well. The number of people howling will be less than my original thought, though not zero.

Still, this change could cause a lot of grief for saved R scripts. In our group the code + data directory is archived whenever a medical paper is submitted (close to 500/year), and it is very common to pull one back as is 1-4 years later for further exploration. A very small subset of those are in a legal context where exact reproducability is paramount.

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