On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Josh O'Brien <joshmobr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some other functions that query the nature of an object (e.g. class(),
> length(), attributes()) do not modify the object's "named" field. Is
> there a reason that typeof() should?

Because it's not implemented as a primitive and the closure used in
setting up the internal call [1] bumps up the NAMED field:


x <- 1:3; y <- 1:4;  z <- 1:5

typeof(x) # Closure

class(y) # Primitive



> x <- 1:3; y <- 1:4;  z <- 1:5
> .Internal(inspect(x))
@7886c78 13 INTSXP g0c2 [NAM(1)] (len=3, tl=0) 1,2,3
> typeof(x) # Closure
[1] "integer"
> .Internal(inspect(x))
@7886c78 13 INTSXP g0c2 [NAM(2)] (len=3, tl=0) 1,2,3
> .Internal(inspect(y))
@7886cf0 13 INTSXP g0c2 [NAM(1)] (len=4, tl=0) 1,2,3,4
> class(y) # Primitive
[1] "integer"
> .Internal(inspect(y))
@7886cf0 13 INTSXP g0c2 [NAM(1)] (len=4, tl=0) 1,2,3,4
> .Internal(inspect(z))
@7a8e9d8 13 INTSXP g0c3 [NAM(1)] (len=5, tl=0) 1,2,3,4,5
> .Internal(typeof(z))
[1] "integer"
> .Internal(inspect(z))
@7a8e9d8 13 INTSXP g0c3 [NAM(1)] (len=5, tl=0) 1,2,3,4,5


[1] I'm not super certain about the fact it's the closure vs argument
passing (or if the distinction even makes sense) but I know that this
behavior is part of the reason primitives are important.

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