On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Hadley Wickham <h.wick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Because it can conflict with other Windows software unless you add a
>> layer over it.  What other popular software that runs on Windows has
>> these problems?  I can't think of any.  The closest I can come up with
>> was that for a short time after git was ported to Windows it would
>> change the font of the Windows console but there was an immediate hue
>> and cry about it having no business messing with the rest of Windows
>> and it was quickly rectified.
> I don't understand: unless you modify settings in the default install,
> Rtools *does not* affect other windows software in any way.

If its the case that it now works from the cmd line without setting
the Rtools path before issuing R CMD ... that would be great. If so it
must have occurred silently at some point since I have spent hours in
past years trying to track down why another program I was using did
not work only to discover that it was Rtools.  Surely this was also
your own understanding since devtools, maintains an Rtools path
database which ought to be unnecessary if R is able to find Rtools

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