Could you try current R-patched or R-devel?  Works in my tests at least.

On 19/05/2013 08:25, Berwin A Turlach wrote:
G'day Brian,

On Sat, 18 May 2013 10:28:43 +0100
Prof Brian Ripley <> wrote:

Is it necessary for R >= 3.0.1 to have one build as
"main"-architecture and the other one as sub-architecture?  I could
not find anything in the NEWS file or the Admin manual that
indicated that this would now be necessary.

Not exclusively, but as the Mac build no longer uses this, we do need
people who do to test pre-releases.   One of us needs to build such a
setup and test it ....

Either that, or amend the administration and installation manual to
state that one installation should not be a sub-architecture
installation.  :)

That is not sufficient. AFAICS the issue only occurs after installation (which is probably why no one else saw it), and the Renviron files for the different sub-architectures will be different (in R_PLATFORM).

But the latter solution also seems to have some problems.  My usual
install script did the following:

1) Run ./configure with 'r_arch=32' (and a few other options) using a, configured for a 32bit build; followed by make
2) make check ; make install
3) `make distclean'; run ./configure with 'r_arch=64' (and a few other
    options using a configured for a 64 bit build; followed
    by make
4) make check ; make install
5) make pdf info; make install-pdf install-info

When trying to install Rgraphviz afterwards (mmh, this is a
BioConductor package and not a CRAN package, so perhaps I should ask on
their lists?), Rgrahviz couldn't find the correct compiler settings as
"R CMD config ..." did not work (as reported originally).

So I changed my install script to remove the 'r_arch=64' in step 3.
(The modified script is attached.)  But now, trying to install
Rgraphviz falls over earlier when a dependencies of Rgraphviz,
BiocGenerics, is installed.  Trying to install BiocGenerics fails with:

** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
*** arch - 32
*** arch - R
ERROR: sub-architecture 'R' is not installed
ERROR: loading failed for 'R'
* removing '/opt/R/R-3.0.1/lib/R/library/BiocGenerics'

I have no idea why the process tries to check for an 'arch - R'.  But
this seems to be happening for packages that do not contain code that
needs to be compiled, another example is 'car' which is needed by 'AER'.

So I am bit puzzled how I should change my scripts.  Does step 3 needs
something stronger than 'make distclean'?  Or should the 'r_arch=32' be
dropped in step 1 but step 3 should use 'r_arch=64'?

Essentially, I would like to install 32bit and 64bit builds on my
machines, with one or both as sub-architectures (to save space) and
with the 64bit the 'default', i.e. the one that is run by


Brian D. Ripley,        
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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