Kevin Ushey: (12:10AM on Fri, Jun 07)
I think the key word here is _other_ packages. It's entirely okay to call
your package's own compiled code through the .Call interface (and the code
you write may link to other packages; the obvious example being Rcpp code
you write); however, it is not portable to use .Call to call compiled code
from another package directly. This is because package authors are not
required to maintain a consistent .Call interface to their compiled code;
rather, they just have to make sure the direct user-facing R exported
functions retain a stable interface over different versions (or, if
changed, are done so with prior warning etc.)

Also remember that, as long as you obey all of the licenses, you can
simply copy the source code that needs to be compiled into your own
package.  You'll obviously need to track development of the other
package (which you'll need to do anyway) but then you can be sure that
the calls you want to use work.

Gray Calhoun, Assistant Professor of Economics at Iowa State (web)

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