R-3.0.1 rev 62743, binary downloaded from CRAN just now; macosx 10.8.3


eigen(symmetric=TRUE) behaves strangely when given complex matrices.

The following two lines define 'A', a 100x100 (real) symmetric matrix
which theoretical considerations [Bochner's theorem] show to be positive

jj <- matrix(0,100,100)
A <- exp(-0.1*(row(jj)-col(jj))^2)

A's being positive-definite is important to me:

  > min(eigen(A,T,T)$values)
[1] 2.521153e-10

Coercing A to a complex matrix should make no difference, but makes
eigen() return the wrong answer:

> min(eigen(A+0i,T,T)$values)
[1] -0.359347

This is very, very wrong.

I would expect these two commands to return identical values, up to
numerical precision.   Compare svd():

> dput(min(eigen(A,T,T)$values))
> dput(min(eigen(A+0i,T,T)$values))
> dput(min(svd(A)$d))
> dput(min(svd(A+0i)$d))

So svd() doesn't care about the coercion to complex.  The 'A' matrix
isn't particularly badly conditioned:

> eigen(A,T)$vectors -> e
> crossprod(e)[1:4,1:4]


> crossprod(A,solve(A))

[and the associated commands with A+0i in place of A], give errors of
order 1e-14 or less.

I think the eigenvectors are misbehaving too:

> eigen(A,T)$vectors -> ev1
> eigen(A+0i,T)$vectors -> ev2
> range(Re((A %*% ev1[,100])/ev1[,100]))
[1] 2.497662e-10 2.566555e-10                   # min=max mathematically;
differences due to numerics
> range(Re((A %*% ev2[,100])/ev2[,100]))
[1] -19.407290   4.412938                       # off the scale errors
[note the difference in sign]

FWIW, these problems do not appear to occur if symmetric=FALSE:

> min(Re(eigen(A+0i,F,T)$values))
[1] 2.521153e-10
> min(Re(eigen(A,F,T)$values))
[1] 2.521153e-10

and the eigenvectors appear to behave themselves too.

Also, can I raise a doco?  The documentation for eigen() is not
entirely transparent with regard to the 'symmetric' argument.  For
complex matrices, 'symmetric' should read 'Hermitian':

> B <- matrix(c(2,1i,-1i,2),2,2)   # 'B' is Hermitian
> eigen(B,F,T)$values
[1] 3+0i 1+0i
> eigen(B,T,T)$values    # answers agree as expected if 'symmetric' means
[1] 3 1

> C <- matrix(c(2,1i,1i,2),2,2)    # 'C' is symmetric
> eigen(C,F,T)$values
[1] 2-1i 2+1i
> eigen(C,T,T)$values  # answers disagree because 'C' is not Hermitian
[1] 3 1

Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst

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