On Jun 27, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Martin Maechler <maech...@stat.math.ethz.ch> 

> Maybe this is just from inside ETH Zurich, 
> but I haven't seen this before in many years:
> for > 15 minutes now, for me and at least someone else here,
> - Google (incl. Gmail, calendar..) is entirely unreachable
> - Twitter is "connecting" and is not reached (in the browser),
> - three major Swiss news(paper) websites (20min, TA, NZZ) are out
>  of reach,
> but  "of course" the ETH web sites are fine for me (but I'm inside ETH) 
> and notably,
>  www.r-project.org ,
>  bugs.r-project.org,
>  cran.r-project.org
>  developer.r-project.org
>  svn.r-project.org
> are all fine and up... an eerie feeling indeed.
> Martin


No problems for me accessing either Google or Twitter. The Twitter Status page:


is not showing anything nor is the Twitter Support account:


That being said, I just got your post, almost an hour after you sent 
it...according to the e-mail headers, the bulk of the delay was within the ETHZ 
domain, between phil2.ethz.ch and hypatia.math.ethz.ch.



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