On 13-07-07 11:09 PM, Peter Meilstrup wrote:
The formal list for subset.data.frame accepts a "..."

function (x, subset, select, drop = FALSE, ...)

But it appears that subset.data.frame does not actually use the "..." or
pass it along:

"..." %in% all.names(body(subset.data.frame))

Is there any reason why subset.data.frame needs to accept extra, unused
arguments? One recurring error I see myself and other people making in
interactive use is to type an = instead of an == in a subset call, e.g.

subset(df, column=value)

which I think ought to be an error, but it silently returns df instead.

If "..." were eliminated from the formals of subset.data.frame, it would
eliminate a frequent user error.

It needs to have ... in the formal argument list because the generic subset() does.

It could enforce a run-time warning that some arguments were being skipped (by testing length(list(...)) for example), but then NextMethod might fail, in a case where an object has a complicated class vector.

This is basically a limitation of the S3 class system. The S4 system can do much more careful checking.

Duncan Murdoch

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