On 28/08/2013 10:26 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On 28 August 2013 at 09:01, Kevin Wright wrote:
|  Before knitr became an accepted engine for vignettes, I had a
| knitr-generated vignette that I included in a package.  It could just as
| easily have been a Word file saved as a pdf.  There was some trick to doing
| this (which I have forgotten).  Something like creating an extremely
| minimal .rnw file and then including the vignette with the same name and a
| .pdf extension.  Search the R-help mail archives and you can find other
| people who have included non-.rnw vignettes.

Sort of. Kinda. Maybe not quite. I think you may be assuming "constant
requirements" at the CRAN side.  They are anything but -- and to be plain,
that is a Good Thing (TM) in the long run.

The change to preferring vignettes/ over inst/doc/ is just one of many; there
is also an ongoing preference for vignettes that fully reproducible from
source. Which may eventually put an end to non-Rnw / non-(la)tex vignettes.

Related rant: I really wish we had "CHANGES" file, or a section in the
manuals. It is virtually impossible to look at a current "Writing R
Extensions" manual, and a previous one, in order to get a succinct view of
what changed.  Having to diff the NEWS files, or glancing at commit logs via
the RCS is a very poor proxy.

I don't understand the difference between the CHANGES file you are asking for and the NEWS file. Do you want something in purely chronological order, rather than categorized as NEWS is?

Duncan Murdoch

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