Thank you for your suggestions.
But in minimal example I provided I didn't import any package (incl. zoo).
However the behavior is different. Something in R has changed between
2.14.0 and 3.0.2.

Best wishes,
Andrey Paramonov

2013/10/25 Martyn Plummer <>

> This has nothing to do with changes in base R. It is due to changes in
> the dependent packages. These changes mean that when you call lapply it
> does not dispatch the right as.list method.
> The method you want (as.list.ts) is provided by the zoo package. It
> splits a multivariate time series into a list of univariate time series
> in the way you are expecting.  Your package mar1s used to depend on zoo
> indirectly through the fda package. But now fda does not depend on zoo,
> it only suggests it. So now, when you load your package, zoo is not on
> the search path and you get the default as.list method, which produces
> the bad results.
> The solution is to add "Imports: zoo" to your DESCRIPTION file and
> "import(zoo)" to your NAMESPACE file.
> Martyn
> On Wed, 2013-10-23 at 22:56 +0400, Андрей Парамонов wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > Recently I got report that my package mar1s doesn't pass checks any more
> on
> > R 3.0.2. I started to investigate and found the following difference in
> > multivariate time series handling in R 3.0.2 compared to R 2 (I've
> checked
> > on 2.14.0).
> >
> > Suppose I wish to calculate seasonal component for time series. In case
> of
> > multivariate time series, I wish to process each column independently.
> Let
> > f be a simple (trivial) model of seasonal component:
> >
> > f <- function(x)
> >   return(ts(rep(0, length(x)), start = 0, frequency = frequency(x)))
> >
> > In previous versions of R, I used the following compact and efficient
> > expression to calculate seasonal component:
> >
> > y <-, lapply(x, f))
> >
> > It worked equally good for univariate and multivariate time series:
> >
> > > R.Version()$version.string
> > [1] "R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)"
> > > t <- ts(1:10, start = 100, frequency = 10)
> > >
> > > x <- t
> > > y <-, lapply(x, f))
> > > y
> > Time Series:
> > Start = c(0, 1)
> > End = c(0, 10)
> > Frequency = 10
> >  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> > >
> > > x <- cbind(t, t)
> > > y <-, lapply(x, f))
> > > y
> > Time Series:
> > Start = c(0, 1)
> > End = c(0, 10)
> > Frequency = 10
> >     t t
> > 0.0 0 0
> > 0.1 0 0
> > 0.2 0 0
> > 0.3 0 0
> > 0.4 0 0
> > 0.5 0 0
> > 0.6 0 0
> > 0.7 0 0
> > 0.8 0 0
> > 0.9 0 0
> >
> > But in version 3, I get some frustrating results:
> >
> > > R.Version()$version.string
> > [1] "R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)"
> > > t <- ts(1:10, start = 100, frequency = 10)
> > >
> > > x <- t
> > > y <-, lapply(x, f))
> > > y
> > Time Series:
> > Start = 0
> > End = 0
> > Frequency = 1
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> > >
> > > x <- cbind(t, t)
> > > y <-, lapply(x, f))
> > > y
> > Time Series:
> > Start = 0
> > End = 0
> > Frequency = 1
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >   structure(0, .Tsp = c(0, 0, 1), class = "ts")
> > 0                                             0
> >
> > I didn't watch R development for quite some time now. Could anyone please
> > help me to construct similar expression to what I have used in R 2, for
> > multivariate case (or better, for both univariate and multivariate
> cases)?
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Andrey Paramonov
> >
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