In R code, get("...", environment()) will retrieve the DOTSXP object.
So another way is to write your wrapper functions like

someFunc <- function(...) {
  .External("someFunc_extern", get("...", ifnotfound=NULL) )

If you're trying to mimic what substitute() et al do, you'll sometimes
need to follow a chain of promises-that-have-promises in the PREXP
slot until you get to the "real" one.


On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Romain François
<> wrote:
> Thanks. This works for me. See this gist: 
> Romain
> Le 13 déc. 2013 à 01:09, Hadley Wickham <> a écrit :
>> Could you pass the environment and then look for the object called ... in it?
>> f <- function(...) {
>>  .Call("my_fun", environment())
>> }
>> I think (and may well be wrong) that you can use standard tools to
>> find the DOTSXP object in that environment.
>> Hadley
>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Romain François
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I’m looking for examples on how to manipulate the ... internally, e.g. in a 
>>> .Call or .External function.
>>> I’m particularly interested in accessing the environment in which each 
>>> contribution to ... can be evaluated.
>>> So far, I’m using tricks involving passing down the sys.calls() and 
>>> sys.frames() down to the C function. The documentation in 
>>>  did not help me a lot.
>>> Romain
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