Happy New Year

I recognize this is a low priority issue, but... I'll fix it if you let

There are some TABs where R style calls for 4 spaces. For example

I never noticed this until today, when I was stranded on a deserted island
with only the R source code and a Swiss Army knife (vi). Now I realize my
~.vimrc has tabstop set at 2, and it makes tab indentations in R source "go
backwards".  if you are strictly following R Internals 9 "R Coding
Standards", the TABs should be replaced with spaces, I shouldn't have to
reconfigure the editor.

Here's the way it looks in my vi

dummy.coef.aovlist <- function(object, use.na = FALSE, ...)
    Terms <- terms(object, specials="Error")
    err <- attr(Terms,"specials")$Error - 1
    tl <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")[-err]
    int <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
    facs <- attr(Terms, "factors")[-c(1,1+err), -err, drop=FALSE]
    vars <- rownames(facs)
    xl <- attr(object, "xlevels")
    if(!length(xl)) {     # no factors in model
    nxl <- setNames(rep.int(1, length(vars)), vars)
    tmp <- unlist(lapply(xl, length))
    nxl[names(tmp)] <- tmp
    lterms <- apply(facs, 2L, function(x) prod(nxl[x > 0]))
    nl <- sum(lterms)
    args <- setNames(vector("list", length(vars)), vars)
    for(i in vars)
  args[[i]] <- if(nxl[[i]] == 1) rep.int(1, nl)
  else factor(rep.int(xl[[i]][1L], nl), levels = xl[[i]])
    dummy <- do.call("data.frame", args)
    pos <- 0
    rn <- rep.int(tl, lterms)
    rnn <- rep.int("", nl)
    for(j in tl) {
  i <- vars[facs[, j] > 0]
  ifac <- i[nxl[i] > 1]
  if(length(ifac) == 0L) {        # quantitative factor
      rnn[pos + 1] <- j
  } else if(length(ifac) == 1L) { # main effect
      dummy[ pos+1L:lterms[j], ifac ] <- xl[[ifac]]
      rnn[ pos+1L:lterms[j] ] <- as.character(xl[[ifac]])
[... snip ....]

The patch looks like this in my vi:

*** dummy.coef.R  2013-03-05 17:02:23.000000000 -0600
--- dummy.coef-indent.R 2014-01-02 21:49:25.828163544 -0600
*** 28,35 ****
      Terms <- delete.response(Terms)
      vars <- all.vars(Terms)
      xl <- object$xlevels
!     if(!length(xl)) {     # no factors in model
!   return(as.list(coef(object)))
      nxl <- setNames(rep.int(1, length(vars)), vars)
      tmp <- unlist(lapply(xl, length)) ## ?? vapply(xl, length, 1L)
--- 28,35 ----
      Terms <- delete.response(Terms)
      vars <- all.vars(Terms)
      xl <- object$xlevels
!     if(!length(xl)) {            # no factors in model
!         return(as.list(coef(object)))
      nxl <- setNames(rep.int(1, length(vars)), vars)
      tmp <- unlist(lapply(xl, length)) ## ?? vapply(xl, length, 1L)
*** 38,64 ****
      nl <- sum(lterms)
      args <- setNames(vector("list", length(vars)), vars)
      for(i in vars)
!   args[[i]] <- if(nxl[[i]] == 1) rep.int(1, nl)
!   else factor(rep.int(xl[[i]][1L], nl), levels = xl[[i]])
      dummy <- do.call("data.frame", args)
      pos <- 0
      rn <- rep.int(tl, lterms)
      rnn <- rep.int("", nl)
      for(j in tl) {
!   i <- vars[facs[, j] > 0]
!   ifac <- i[nxl[i] > 1]
!   if(length(ifac) == 0L) {        # quantitative factor
!       rnn[pos+1] <- j
!   } else if(length(ifac) == 1L) { # main effect
!       dummy[ pos+1L:lterms[j], ifac ] <- xl[[ifac]]
!       rnn[ pos+1L:lterms[j] ] <- as.character(xl[[ifac]])
!   } else {      # interaction
!       tmp <- expand.grid(xl[ifac])
!       dummy[ pos+1L:lterms[j], ifac ] <- tmp
!       rnn[ pos+1L:lterms[j] ] <-
!     apply(as.matrix(tmp), 1L, function(x) paste(x, collapse=":"))
!   }
!   pos <- pos + lterms[j]
      ## some terms like poly(x,1) will give problems here, so allow
      ## NaNs and set to NA afterwards.
--- 38,64 ----
      nl <- sum(lterms)
      args <- setNames(vector("list", length(vars)), vars)
      for(i in vars)
!         args[[i]] <- if(nxl[[i]] == 1) rep.int(1, nl)
!         else factor(rep.int(xl[[i]][1L], nl), levels = xl[[i]])
      dummy <- do.call("data.frame", args)
      pos <- 0
      rn <- rep.int(tl, lterms)
      rnn <- rep.int("", nl)
      for(j in tl) {
!         i <- vars[facs[, j] > 0]
!         ifac <- i[nxl[i] > 1]
!         if(length(ifac) == 0L) {        # quantitative factor
!             rnn[pos+1] <- j
!         } else if(length(ifac) == 1L) {    # main effect
!             dummy[ pos+1L:lterms[j], ifac ] <- xl[[ifac]]
!             rnn[ pos+1L:lterms[j] ] <- as.character(xl[[ifac]])
!         } else {            # interaction
!             tmp <- expand.grid(xl[ifac])
!             dummy[ pos+1L:lterms[j], ifac ] <- tmp
!             rnn[ pos+1L:lterms[j] ] <-
!                 apply(as.matrix(tmp), 1L, function(x) paste(x,
!         }
!         pos <- pos + lterms[j]

I could make a patch that applies at the top level, maybe one for each
library. If one of you will consider using it.

Again, I recognize this is a small thing, the editor can be adjusted to
avoid it. But it shouldn't be necessary.

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science      Assoc. Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504      Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas                 University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org               http://quant.ku.edu

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