No, I wasn't, so thanks for pointing me to that package. I think I'll still post my new toys, because "sets" fails the "obvious for dummies" test. I looked at the documentation, and while it's clearly a very powerful collection of functions, it's not obvious exactly what the family of "cset_*" tools do or don't do. The stuff I'm writing is, I hope :-), much easier to learn and remember for the casual or occasional user. De gustibus non disputandum applies here.


On 2/9/14 4:38 AM, Kurt Hornik wrote:
Carl Witthoft writes:

Thanks to Duncan and all who responded.
I agree that the algebraic set rules do not allow for indistinguishable
elements;  I must have been deeply immersed in quantum fermions when I
wrote "strictly" rather than "less" in front of "algebraic style.

I'll clean up my code (so that intersect() remains symmetric, among
other things) , and submit as a separate package to CRAN.


Btw, you are aware of the "sets" package on CRAN (which does the
multisets I think you were asking for)?



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