Never mind. For my initial question, I can just use: R_curErrorBuf

My current implementation now only depend on R_FunTab and R_GlobalContext which 
R does not conceal behind attribute_hidden.


Le 27 févr. 2014 à 08:13, Romain François <> a écrit :

> Of course one problem is that R hides things that I need for this, such as 
> R_HandlerStack and R_ReturnedValue. 
> I understand they have to be hidden, in which case can we have an exposed 
> mechanism similar to what R_ToplevelExec does, but with the added 
> functionality of giving access to the condition where R_ToplevelExec would 
> return TRUE. 
> Would someone be willing to review a patch to R with this added 
> functionality. Please. 
> In any case, I still would like some comments about my initial question about 
> R_NilValue use in gotoExitingHandler(R_NilValue, call, entry);
> Romain
> Le 26 févr. 2014 à 09:41, Romain François <> a écrit :
>> Hello, 
>> I’m trying to leverage R_ToplevelExec to implement C level try/catch. 
>> The way it is implemented allows for running a function in a top level 
>> context. This context gets an empty handler stack, so either the function 
>> runs correctly or it jumps. When it jumps, it does not find a handler, so it 
>> jumps to the top level context. 
>> R does not allow me to call begin context and end context directly, so 
>> instead what I do is call R_ToplevelExec, grab the global context inside the 
>> function, install my own handler that I don’t set to be a calling one, 
>> pretend this context is a CTXT_FUNCTION. 
>> Eventually I get to jump fun, so that I can later on grab the condition from 
>> R_ReturnedValue. 
>> This works well in the « not simple error » case, i.e. if I call stop( 
>> simpleError(...) ), but with simple errors, i.e. calls to Rf_error 
>> internally or bare calls to stop( "vvzvz" ) I can’t access the error. 
>> And this boils down to this call: 
>> gotoExitingHandler(R_NilValue, call, entry);
>> inside vsignalError : 
>> static void vsignalError(SEXP call, const char *format, va_list ap)
>> {
>>   char localbuf[BUFSIZE];
>>   SEXP list, oldstack;
>>   oldstack = R_HandlerStack;
>>   Rvsnprintf(localbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, format, ap);
>>   while ((list = findSimpleErrorHandler()) != R_NilValue) {
>>      char *buf = errbuf;
>>      SEXP entry = CAR(list);
>>      R_HandlerStack = CDR(list);
>>      strncpy(buf, localbuf, BUFSIZE - 1);
>>      /*      Rvsnprintf(buf, BUFSIZE - 1, format, ap);*/
>>      buf[BUFSIZE - 1] = 0;
>>      if (IS_CALLING_ENTRY(entry)) {
>>          if (ENTRY_HANDLER(entry) == R_RestartToken)
>>              return; /* go to default error handling; do not reset stack */
>>          else {
>>              SEXP hooksym, hcall, qcall;
>>              /* protect oldstack here, not outside loop, so handler
>>                 stack gets unwound in case error is protect stack
>>                 overflow */
>>              PROTECT(oldstack);
>>              hooksym = install(".handleSimpleError");
>>              PROTECT(qcall = LCONS(R_QuoteSymbol,
>>                                    LCONS(call, R_NilValue)));
>>              PROTECT(hcall = LCONS(qcall, R_NilValue));
>>              hcall = LCONS(mkString(buf), hcall);
>>              hcall = LCONS(ENTRY_HANDLER(entry), hcall);
>>              PROTECT(hcall = LCONS(hooksym, hcall));
>>              eval(hcall, R_GlobalEnv);
>>              UNPROTECT(4);
>>          }
>>      }
>>      else gotoExitingHandler(R_NilValue, call, entry);   // <<<  HERE
>>   }
>>   R_HandlerStack = oldstack;
>> }
>> Would it be possible to construct a simple condition instead of passing down 
>> R_NilValue so that I can grab this error and deal with it. 
>> The alternative is to set the handler to be a calling one, but I’d like to 
>> avoid that as much as possible as this means going back to the R side of 
>> things just to get access to the condition. 
>> My code is here:
>> I have only tested this on OSX with R-devel. The code only uses R internal 
>> api (not Rcpp*). 
>> So down to what I’d like you to consider please if you are still reading 
>> here. Can we feed gotoExitingHandler with something more interesting than 
>> NULL. please. 
>> The end game is to add one layer of abstraction, e.g. pass to R_ToplevelExec 
>> a function that first deals with contexts, then calls an actual function. 
>> Combining this with lambda functions in C++ will make quite a nice and 
>> elegant way to handle error handling at the C++ level. 
>> I can provide the code that would create the simpleError, this is just 
>> making a simple VECSXP with names and classes, no big trouble here. 
>> Romain
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