On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 6:55 PM, Hervé Pagès <hpa...@fhcrc.org> wrote:

> There is at least one subtle consequence to keep in mind when doing
> this. Of course, whatever choice you make, if the whatever() function
> moves to a different package, this breaks your package.
> However, if you explicitly import the function, your package will
> break at load-time (which is good) and you'll only have to modify
> 1 line in the NAMESPACE file to fix it. But if you do foo::whatever(),
> your package won't break at load-time, only at run-time. Also you'll
> have to edit all the calls to foo::whatever() to fix the package.

It'll break at run-time, yes, but if you use pkg::fun and fun is not in pkg
any more, then AFAIK you'll get a warning from R CMD check.



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