On 12/16/2014 08:20 PM, Mick Jordan wrote:
vapply <- function(X, FUN, FUN.VALUE, ...,  USE.NAMES = TRUE)
     FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
     if(!is.vector(X) || is.object(X)) X <- as.list(X)
     .Internal(vapply(X, FUN, FUN.VALUE, USE.NAMES))

This is an implementor question. Basically, what happened to the '...' args in
the call to the .Internal? cf lapply:, where the ... is passed.

lapply <- function (X, FUN, ...)
     FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
     ## internal code handles all vector types, including expressions
     ## However, it would be OK to have attributes which is.vector
     ## disallows.
     if(!is.vector(X) || is.object(X)) X <- as.list(X)
     ## Note ... is not passed down.  Rather the internal code
     ## evaluates FUN(X[i], ...) in the frame of this function
     .Internal(lapply(X, FUN, ...))

Now both of these functions work when extra arguments are passed, so evidently
the implementation can function whether the .Internal "call" contains the ... or
not. I found other cases, notably in S3 generic methods where the ... is not
passed down.

Hi Mick --

You can see that the source code doesn't contain '...' in the final line

~/src/R-devel/src/library/base/R$ svn annotate lapply.R | grep Internal\(l
 38631     ripley     .Internal(lapply(X, FUN))

and that it's been there for a long time (I'd guess 'forever')

~/src/R-devel/src/library/base/R$ svn log -r38631
r38631 | ripley | 2006-07-17 14:30:55 -0700 (Mon, 17 Jul 2006) | 2 lines

another attempt at a faster lapply


so I guess you're looking at a modified version of the function... The implementation detail is in the comment -- FUN(X[i], ...) is evaluated in the frame of lapply.

Martin Morgan

So, essentially, my question is whether the vapply code "should" be changed or
whether a .Internal implementation should always assume an implicit ...
regardless of the code, if the semantics requires it.


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