Actually, after reading the comment about it being OK for it being
NULL, it's not a bug after all.

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 5:57 AM, Michael Lawrence <> wrote:
> I also just noticed that there is a bug: identical(ans, FALSE) should
> be is.null(ans).
> So no error is thrown:
>> methods:::genericForPrimitive("foo")
> Will fix.
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Peter Haverty <> wrote:
>> Doing it like this:
>> genericForPrimitive <- function(f, where = topenv(parent.frame()), mustFind
>> = TRUE) {
>>     ans = .BasicFunsList[[f]]
>>     ## this element may not exist (yet, during loading), dom't test null
>>     if(mustFind && identical(ans, FALSE))
>>         stop(gettextf("methods may not be defined for primitive function %s
>> in this version of R",
>>                       sQuote(f)),
>>              domain = NA)
>>     ans
>> }
>> or this:
>> genericForPrimitive <- function(f, where = topenv(parent.frame()), mustFind
>> = TRUE) {
>>     env = asNamespace("methods")
>>     funs <- env[[".BasicFunsList"]]
>>     ans = funs[[f]]
>>     ## this element may not exist (yet, during loading), dom't test null
>>     if(mustFind && identical(ans, FALSE))
>>         stop(gettextf("methods may not be defined for primitive function %s
>> in this version of R",
>>                       sQuote(f)),
>>              domain = NA)
>>     ans
>> }
>> Seems to work just fine.
>> Yes, "el" and "elNamed" can probably go now.
>> Pete
>> ____________________
>> Peter M. Haverty, Ph.D.
>> Genentech, Inc.
>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Michael Lawrence
>> <> wrote:
>>> Note that setMethod() resolves .BasicFunsList in the methods namespace
>>> directly when setting a method on a primitive. Somehow there should be
>>> consistency between genericForPrimitive() and the check in setMethod().
>>> Also, we can probably step away from the use of elNamed(), given that [[
>>> now uses exact matching.
>>> Have you tried patching methods to use .BasicFunsList directly as in
>>> setMethod?
>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:41 AM, Peter Haverty <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> The function call series genericForPrimitive -> .findBasicFuns ->
>>>> .findAll
>>>> happens 4400 times while the GenomicRanges package is loading.  Each time
>>>> .findAll follows a chain of environments to determine that the methods
>>>> namespace is the only one that holds a variable called .BasicFunsList.
>>>> This
>>>> accounts for ~10% of package loading time. I'm sure there is some history
>>>> to that design, but would it be possible shortcut this operation? Could
>>>> .BasicFunsList be initialized in the methods namespace at startup and
>>>> might
>>>> genericForPrimitive just go straight there?
>>>> Does anyone on the list know why it works this way?
>>>> There are some other cases of seemingly redundant work, but this seems
>>>> like
>>>> an easy one to address.
>>>> I have included some code below that was used to investigate some of the
>>>> above.
>>>> # Try this to count calls to a function
>>>> .count <-  0; trace(methods:::.findBasicFuns,tracer=function() { .count
>>>> <<-
>>>> .count + 1 }); library(GenomicRanges); print(.count)
>>>> # Try this to capture the input and output of a set of functions you wish
>>>> to refactor
>>>> .init_test_data_collection <- function(ns = asNamespace("methods")) {
>>>>     funs = c("isClassUnion", "getClass", "genericForPrimitive",
>>>> "possibleExtends", ".dataSlot", ".requirePackage", ".classEnv",
>>>> "getClassDef", "outerLabels", ".getClassFromCache", "getFunction")
>>>>     message(paste0("\nCollecting data for unit tests on ", paste(funs,
>>>> collapse=", "), " ...\n"))
>>>>     # Make env with list to hold test input/output
>>>>     TEST_ENV <- new.env()
>>>>     for (fname in funs) {
>>>>         # Make placeholder for input/output for future runs of this
>>>> function
>>>>         TEST_ENV[[fname]] = list()  # Actually probably not necessary,
>>>> will
>>>> just be c(NULL, list(first result)) the first time
>>>>         # Construct test version of function
>>>>         unlockBinding(fname, ns)
>>>>         fun = get(fname, envir=ns, mode="function")
>>>>         funbody = deparse(body(fun))
>>>>         newfun <- fun
>>>>         newfun.body = c(
>>>>             sprintf("fname = '%s'", fname),
>>>>             "TEST_INFO = list()",
>>>>             "TEST_INFO$input = mget(names(formals(fname)))",
>>>>             c("realfun <- function()", funbody),
>>>>             "TEST_INFO$output = realfun()",
>>>>             "TEST_ENV[[fname]] = c(TEST_ENV[[fname]], list(TEST_INFO))",
>>>>             "return(TEST_INFO$output)")
>>>>         body(newfun) ="{"),
>>>> as.list(parse(text=newfun.body))))
>>>>         assign(fname, newfun, envir=ns)
>>>>     }
>>>>     return(TEST_ENV)
>>>> }
>>>> # run code, print items in TEST_ENV
>>>> The relevant code is in methods/R/BasicFunsList.R and
>>>> methods/R/ClassExtensions.R
>>>> Pete
>>>> ____________________
>>>> Peter M. Haverty, Ph.D.
>>>> Genentech, Inc.
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