On Thu, 22 Jan 2015, Max Kuhn wrote:

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Achim Zeileis
<achim.zeil...@uibk.ac.at> wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jan 2015, Max Kuhn wrote:

I've had a lot of requests for additions to the reproducible research
task view that fall into a grey area (to me at least).

For example, roxygen2 is a tool that broadly enable reproducibility
but I see it more as a tool for better programming. I'm about to check
in a new version of the task view that includes packrat and
checkpoint, as they seem closer to reproducible research, but also
feel like coding tools.

There are a few other packages that many would find useful for better
coding: devtools, testthat, lintr, codetools, svTools, rbenchmark,
pkgutils, etc.

This might be some overlap with the HPC task view. I would think that
rJava, Rcpp and the like are better suited there but this is arguable.

The last time I proposed something like this, Martin deftly convinced
me to be the maintainer. It is probably better for everyone if we
avoid that on this occasion.

* Does anyone else see the need for this?

* What other packages fit into this bin?

* Would anyone like to volunteer?

Max, thanks for the suggestion. We had a somewhat related proposal on R-help
from Luca Braglia a couple of months ago, suggesting a "Package Development"
task view:

He put up some ideas on Github:

When Luca asked me (ctv maintainer) and Dirk (HPC task view maintainer) for
feedback off-list, I replied that it is important that task views are
focused in order to be useful and maintainable. My feeling was that
"PackageDevelopment" was too broad and also "ProgrammingTools" is still too
board, I think. This could mean a lot of things/tools to a lot of people.

But maybe it would be to factor out some aspect that is sharp and clear(er)?
Or split it up into bits where there are (more or less) objectively clear
criteria for what goes in and what does not?

It's funny that you said that. As I was updating the RR CTV, it
realized what a beast it is right now. I thought about making a github
project earlier today that would have more detailed examples and

I see two problems with that as the *sole* solution.

First, it is divorced from CRAN CTV and that is a place that people
know and will look. I had no idea of Luca's work for this exact

Secondly, might be intimidating for new R users who, I think, are the
targeted cohort for the CTVs.

Yes, I agree. There should (an) additional task view(s) on CRAN related to this.

How about a relatively broad definition that is succinct in content
with a link to a github repos?

I think this doesn't fit well with the existing development model and might require duplicating changes in the <packagelist> of the task view. In order to be easily installable I need the <packagelist> in the task view on CRAN and not just in the linked list on Github.

Therefore, I would suggest splitting up the topic into things that are fairly sharp and clear. (Of course, it is impossible to avoid overlap completely.) For example, one could add "LanguageInterfaces" or something like that.

And the task views on CRAN can always include <links> to further documentation on Github and elsewhere. Especially when it comes to package development there are also clearly different preferences about what is good style or the right tools (say Github vs. R-Forge, knitr vs. Sweave, etc.)



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