Dear list,

With the new R 3.2.0 on the aforementioned platform, I get the following
pop-up error when I enter "?update.packages" using R64:

"The procedure entry point IdnToAscii could not be located in the dynamic
link library KERNEL32.dll"

That is, my command never gets executed.  This does NOT happen with R32.

I previously noticed this error starting with R 3.0.0 with the RCurl
package (1.95-4.5): I get the same issue when I execute "library(RCurl)" in
R64.  This happened subsequently for every version > 3.  I always thought
it was an RCurl issue so I just dropped to R 2.15.1 whenever I needed to
use it.

However, I now see this error with R 3.2.0 with the simple command
(?update.packages as it tries to access internet.dll).

My guess is this is specific to Windows Server 2003 x64 as it does not
happen on my Windows 7 machine and that I did not find anything when
searching for this issue.  I thought I'd reach out just in case anyone has
any ideas on how to fix it.  I'm stuck on Windows Server 2003 because it is
a work server.  Thanks so much for your help.

-- Vinh

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