On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 12:45 AM, Gábor Csárdi <csardi.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 8:28 PM, Simon Urbanek <simon.urba...@r-project.org>
> wrote:
>> One issue I have with this is that it doesn't point to the original GitHub
>> repositories of the packages, so you end up with additional repositories on
>> Github in Gabor's name that have nothing to do with the actual Github
>> repositories of the packages. I understand that it's technically necessary,
>> but I fear it will lead to a lot of confusion...
> Well, we point to the original GitHub repo is that is given in the URL
> field. It would be nice to have an "official" field for source code
> repository in DESCRIPTION.
> But I agree with you that this has great potential for confusion. Several
> people have been sending pull requests to github.com/cran repos, most of
> them not realizing that they are not the right repos to fork. (Although
> many packages are not on GH or any other similar service, and then are kind
> of the places to fork.)
> I could have a large warning popup on the link from r-pkg.org, with red
> flags, and you would see this before the actual repo. But this has its own
> problems, like being annoying after a while, how to turn it off with
> browser cookies, etc.
> The best would be to somehow have a warning on the GitHub repo pages, but
> there isn't a lot I can modify there if I don't want to change/add the
> README file, which would effectively change the package. I could probably
> add 'WARNING: this is a read-only mirror, and not the original package
> repository' to the one-line description on the top.
> If you have other ideas, please let me know.

If people send pull requests, maybe adding a generic open pull request
to each repository with title "MIRROR ONLY: Do not send pull requests
here" would help.  The fancy version would be to say "MIRROR ONLY: All
patches/pull requests should be sent to <URL>", where <URL> is from
the DESCRIPTION field 'URL'.  That might prevent a few more.
<blink>You can boost it with lots of colorful "WARNING", "NO
TRESPASSING", ... labels as well</blink>.   The next level up is to
have a service that automatically reject pull requests with an
informative error message.


> Gabor
>> On May 24, 2015, at 5:44 AM, Rainer M Krug <rai...@krugs.de> wrote:
>> > Gábor Csárdi <csardi.ga...@gmail.com> writes:
>> >
>> >> Dear All,
>> >>
>> >> [ I was wondering if this should have gone to the new mailing list.
>> Maybe. ]
>> >>
>> >> As some of you maybe know from my earlier posts, I am building a simple
>> >> search engine for R packages. Now the search engine has a proper web
>> site,
>> >> where you can also browse CRAN packages.
>> >>
>> >> http://www.r-pkg.org/
>> >>
>> >> As I see the value is in
>> >> 1. package search (search box on top right)
>> >> 2. APIs, see http://www.r-pkg.org/services
>> >>
>> >> It is in alpha version, meaning that things seem to work, some pages
>> are a
>> >> bit slow and there are a lot of glitches to fix.
>> >
>> > I had a quick peek, and it looks really nice! I particularly think the
>> > github integration for diff-ing versions can be very use full!
>> >
>> > It might be an idea, to also add R itself to the github repo for
>> > diff-ing?
>> >
>> > Thanks a lot,
>> >
>> > Rainer
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Please tell me what you think.
>> >>
>> >> Best,
>> >> Gabor
>> >>
>> >>      [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> >>
>> >
>> > --
>> > Rainer M. Krug
>> > email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
>> > PGP: 0x0F52F982
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