Terry Therneau has been very helpful on r-help but we can't figure out what change in R in the past months made extra columns appear in model.matrix when the terms object is subsetted to remove stratification factors in a Cox model. Terry has changed his logic in the survival package to avoid this issue but he requires generating a larger design matrix then dropping columns.

A simple example is below.

strat <- function(x) x
d <- expand.grid(a=c('a1','a2'), b=c('b1','b2'))
d$y <- c(1,3,2,4)
f <- y ~ a * strat(b)
m <- model.frame(f, data=d)
Terms <- drop.terms(terms(f, data=d), 2)
model.matrix(Terms, m)

  (Intercept) aa2 aa1:strat(b)b2 aa2:strat(b)b2
1           1   0              0              0
2           1   1              0              0
3           1   0              1              0
4           1   1              0              1
. . .

The column corresponding to a='a1' b='b2' should not be there

This does seem to be a change in R.  Any help appreciated.

Terms attributes factor and term.labels are:

         a a:strat(b)
y        0          0
a        1          2
strat(b) 0          1
[1] "a"          "a:strat(b)"


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