A slightly simpler formulation of the problem is:

show <- function(...) stop("My show!")
methods::setClass("Person", slots = list(name = "character"))
methods::new("Person", name = "Tom")
#> Error in (function (...)  : My show!


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Dean Attali <daatt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi r-devel
> If you define a function named `show` or attach a package with an exported
> `show` function, then printing/vieweing S4 objects breaks. This is probably
> because the `print` function calls `show`, which is now masked.
> Example:
> show <- function() {}
>> setClass("Person", slots = list(name = "character"))
>> tom <- new("Person", name = "Tom")
>> tom # error
>> methods::show(tom) # works
> The error was a surprise to me because  I was under the assumption that
> `show` would be namespaced and therefore should not break.
> I'm wondering if this is intended behaviour, or if this is a problem.  My
> intuition, and Hadley agreed on Twitter, is that defining a `show` method
> should not have such a grave effect on printing S4 objects.
> Thanks
> ---
> http://deanattali.com
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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