>>>>> Alba Pompeo <albapom...@gmail.com>
>>>>>     on Mon, 1 Feb 2016 15:33:11 -0200 writes:

    > Here's what I did.
    > svn checkout https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/
    > cd ./trunk
    > aclocal -I m4 && autoconf
    > tools/rsync-recommended
    > cd ..
    > mkdir build
    > cd build
    > ../trunk/configure
    > make
    > make check

    > On make check it gives an error.
    > Here's the log.
    > http://pastebin.com/raw/1qfjqQY2

Thank you.  It shows some output differences for complex
arithmetic, which *may* be a bad sign for the  musl routines, or
the (also alternative ??)  math lib  you have on your platform.
But these differences where not leading to the failure, 
rather is the reason close to the end of the log:
make[3]: *** [reg-tests-1c.Rout] Error 1

and these are the very latest regression checks, so they should not fail.
If you want, you can also make the

file available via a link above,
but to me, it currently looks there needs to be a bit more work
on your system libraries (or possibly on our configuration) side
before you should bundle R with your Alpine Linux.

I'd call it "unsafe" for now.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich and R Core Team.

    >>>> On Feb 1, 2016, at 4:16 AM, Martin Maechler 
<maech...@stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>> Alba Pompeo <albapom...@gmail.com>
    >>>>>>>>>> on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 08:23:26 -0200 writes:


    >>>>>>> However, there are a couple little issues with non-ASCII
    >>>>>>> text and a *lot* of math differences, many of which say
    >>>>>>> "*no* convergence: NOTIFY R-core!".
    >>>>> Hmm, I may be off, but these would look like entirely unrelated
    >>>>> with the libc_stack_end availibility, wouldn't they ?
    >>>>> Maybe you / the musl developers should try to make those C
    >>>>> libraries more "standard", notably because I would see math
    >>>>> differences as something pretty grave for R, and indeed, I would
    >>>>> not want to use a platform where R's math functions work
    >>>>> incompatibly with all other platforms ... but maybe I
    >>>>> misunderstand completely.
    >>>>> Hmm... I've found this,
    >>>>> which make what you say above more relevant/interesting.
    >>>>> Still, from this thread I get that the C source code of R needs
    >>>>> considerable configuration patches before R can work with musl.
    >>>>> But that needs another thread, something like  'Building R with musl'.
    >>>>>>> Until these are resolved, R can't be packaged for
    >>>>>>> distributions that use musl, such as Alpine Linux.
    >>>>> which I agree would not be ideal.
    >>>>> Martin
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Martin <maech...@stat.math.ethz.ch>  
    >>>>> Seminar für Statistik, ETH Zürich

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