Can you provide a complete reproducible example?

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> On May 1, 2016, at 6:51 AM, Peter Ruckdeschel <> 
> wrote:
> Hi r-devels,
> we are seeing a new problem with our packages RobAStRDA (just new on CRAN, 
> thanks
> to Uwe and Kurt!) and RobExtremes (to be submitted).
> It must be something recent with the way you internally treat/store byte-code 
> compiled
> functions, as we have no problems with R-3.1.3, but do see an "Error in 
> fct(x) : byte code
> version mismatch" with R-devel SVNrev r70532.
> Background: 
> Starting from several x-y grids, in the sysdata.rda file of RobAStRDA, we 
> store the results 
> of calls to approxfun/splinefun to these grids from within a session with pkg 
> RobAStRDA 
> require()d.  From pkg RobExtremes we then call these interpolating functions 
> by means of 
> a call (essentially) as:
> getFromNamespace(".RMXE", ns = 
> "RobAStRDA")[["GEVFamily"]][["fun.N"]][[1]](1.3)
> upon which we get the announced "Error in fct(x) : byte code version 
> mismatch" while the same 
> code does work for R-3.1.3.
> The list element "fun.N" in the above call already accounts for a different 
> behaviour for
> pre R-3.0.0 (would have given "fun.O") and post R-3.0.0 ("fun.N") results of 
> approxfun/
> splinefun, but the interpolating functions in branch "fun.N" have been 
> produced in
> R-devel SVNrev r70532, so we would have expected our code 
> getFromNamespace(.....) above to 
> work in R-devel as well.
> Could you give us any hints how to
> (a) store the interpolating functions resulting from approxfun/splinefun in 
> pkg RobAStRDA
>    correctly in recent R-versions and
> (b) call these functions in pkg RobExtremes ?
> We already did import stats::approxfun and stats::splinefun into the 
> NAMESPACEs of pkgs
> RobAStRDA and RobExtremes.
> Thanks for your help already,
> Peter
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