
You appear confused by the meaning of the word "optional".

All the things I listed for packages are additional features you _may_ use,
not onces that are imposed on you so that they _must_ be used.

Lastly, I forgot to mention NAMESPACE support.  Which gives pretty much
exactly what you outlined at the beginning of your post as a desiderata.

But it seems you know full well what you need, so by all means do charge full
speed ahead.  But before I close allow me to reiterate that you are somewhat

Packages do not impose anything. Asking to be included in a high-quality
repository such as CRAN does.

For local and personal packages you can be precisely as ad-hoc as you are in
sourced files.  Yet you still have access to the very framework that gives
you _options_ for more structure.


-- | @eddelbuettel |

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