On 27/10/2016 5:26 AM, Steffen Wagner wrote:
Dear R-Developement Team,

I want to suggest an additiol check to the R CMD check functionality.

Consider the situation where the objects of more than one package are
imported to the NAMESPACE of a third package, e.g. via

     import(foo, bar)

in the NAMESPACE file.

There might be situations where exported objects in the packages `foo`
and `bar` have the same name, let´s say there is an object `f`
exported from both packages.

Then a warning created by R CMD check comparable to the same situation
when attaching multiple packages to the search path, like

> library(foo)
> library(bar)
The following objects are masked from ‘package:foo’:


would be very helpful.

I am aware that it is not best practice to import many packages with
many exported objects to the NAMESPACE of another package.
Nevertheless it would be nice feature to be warned about the resulting
name conflict.

That sounds like a reasonable suggestion. However, unless someone volunteers to do it very quickly, it will likely get lost in the archives of this list and forgotten.

Could you please post it to the bug list as an enhancement request? Those should be persistent.

If you have never posted to the bug list you will need to be manually added to the list of people allowed to post. In that case, write to me and I'll do it.

Duncan Murdoch

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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