>>>>> Dario Strbenac <dstr7...@uni.sydney.edu.au>
>>>>>     on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 02:00:08 +0000 writes:

    > Good day,
    > Could the documentation of graphics devices give some explanation of how 
big the bitmap limits are? For example,

    >> png("Figure1A.png", h = 7, w = 7, res = 1000, units = "cm")

    > Results in Error: unable to start png() device, 

This is amazing to me.  I see

> png("Figure1A.png", h = 7, w = 7, res = 1000, units = "cm")
> plot(1)
> dev.off()
null device 
> file.info("Figure1A.png")[1:5]
              size isdir mode               mtime               ctime
Figure1A.png 41272 FALSE  644 2017-02-10 17:40:42 2017-02-10 17:40:42

in three different versions of R I've tried (all were 64-bit Linux).
Note how *small* the file is.
Now, I've also tried a 32-bit version of Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) and get 
a similar result (not exactly the same number of bytes for the file size).

> but the help page of devices doesn't explain that there are any limits or how 
> they are determined. The wording of the error message could also be improved, 
> to explain that the resolution is too high or the dimensions are too large.

If one/some of those who can reproduce the problem in their
versions of R  provide (concise and not hard to read) patches to
the source of R, we'd probably gratefully accept them..

Martin Maechler

    >> sessionInfo()
    > R version 3.3.2 Patched (2017-02-07 r72138)
    > Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
    > Running under: Windows 7 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

    > --------------------------------------
    > Dario Strbenac
    > University of Sydney
    > Camperdown NSW 2050
    > Australia

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