On 23/02/2017 1:36 PM, Javier Luraschi wrote:
Hello r-devel, could someone share the tools and practices they use to
debug the core R sources in Windows?

For instance, I would like to set a breakpoint in `gl_loadhistory` and
troubleshoot from there.

You're talking about debugging the C code rather than the R code, I think.

These days I mostly avoid debugging in Windows, but when I have to do it, I use gdb. There used to be a front end for it (Insight) that worked in Windows, but I don't think it works with our current gdb build. Google names lots of other front ends, but I haven't tried any of them in Windows.

The other choice is the old fashioned method: add lots of Rprintf() statements to the source and recompile.

Duncan Murdoch

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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