Hi Brian,

 > R-devel (your subject line) is not a pre-release of R 3.3.3: it is 'R
 > Under development' for what is planned as R 3.4.0. Pre-release
 > tarballs for 3.3.3 are things like R-rc_2017-02-26_r72260.tar.gz (and
 > were previously labelled R-beta).

I did not realize this distinction exists. I am sorry about the
misleading report. I followed the link for "3.3.3 release candidates"
and didn't expect that directory to contain tarballs for 3.4.0, too. In
hindsight, that should have been obvious from the different file names,
I suppose. Thank you for the clarification.

I re-ran the build and test suite with the correct tarball,
R-rc_2017-02-28_r72286.tar.gz, and the result looks different indeed.
With that version, I get a test suite error in reg-tests-1c from
"tests". I'm citing the relevant bit from "reg-tests-1c.Rout.fail":

 | > [...]
 | > ## format.POSIXlt() of Jan.1 if  1941 or '42 is involved:
 | > tJan1 <- function(n1, n2)
 | +     strptime(paste0(n1:n2,"/01/01"), "%Y/%m/%d", tz="CET")
 | > wDSTJan1 <- function(n1, n2)
 | +     which("CEST" == sub(".* ", '', format(tJan1(n1,n2), usetz=TRUE)))
 | > (w8 <- wDSTJan1(1801, 2300))
 | integer(0)
 | > (w9 <- wDSTJan1(1901, 2300))
 | integer(0)
 | > stopifnot(identical(w8, 141:142),# exactly 1941:1942 had CEST on Jan.1
 | +           identical(w9,  41: 42))
 | Error: identical(w8, 141:142) is not TRUE
 | Execution halted

This happens in the --without-recommended-packages style build. Not sure
whether this is relevant.

The sessionInfo() output looks as follows:

 | R version 3.3.3 RC (2017-02-28 r72286)
 | Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
 | locale:
 | [1] C
 | attached base packages:
 | [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  base     

Best regards,

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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