FYI, I now have a second confirmed Mac OS system (with R 3.4.1) where the text is not rendered as italic.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Rd] italic font on cairo devices in R 3.4
Date: 2017-07-12 05:48:24 +0200
From: Paul Murrell
To: ilia-kats, r-devel

Do you have the 'fonts-texgyre' (Debian) package installed?
If not, does installing that help?


On 07/07/17 20:30, Ilia Kats wrote:
[cross-post from R-help]

Hi all,

I have the following problem: Since R 3.4.0, italic fonts rendered on Cairo devices appear pixelated. Here's a minimal example:
plot(1:10, ylab=expression(italic(test)))

The same problem occurs with bolditalic, but not bold. I am using Debian Stretch. Several friends tried the same on their machines, another Debian machine has the same problem. On MacOSX the output was not pixelated, but it wasn't italic either. Ubuntu 16.04.2 xenial works fine. My impression is that R somehow can't find the proper font to use and falls back to something weird. Ideas?

Note that I'm not subscribed to the list, so please CC me in replies.

Cheers, Ilia

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