On 31/08/2017 5:38 PM, Paul McQuesten wrote:
The R signon banner includes this statement:
      Natural language support but running in an English locale

Should that not say 'National' instead of 'Natural'?
Meaning that LOCALE support is enabled, not that the interface understands
human language?

No, "natural language" refers to human languages, but it doesn't imply that R understands them. NLS just means that messages may be presented in (or translated to) other human languages in an appropriate context.

For example, you can start R on most platforms from the console using


and instead of the start message you saw, you'll see

R ist freie Software und kommt OHNE JEGLICHE GARANTIE.
Sie sind eingeladen, es unter bestimmten Bedingungen weiter zu verbreiten.
Tippen Sie 'license()' or 'licence()' für Details dazu.

and so on.

Please ignore this and forgive me if this is an inappropriate post. I am a
N00B in R.

I don't think it is inappropriate.

Duncan Murdoch

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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