On 25/01/2018 7:03 AM, Iñaki Úcar wrote:
2018-01-25 12:20 GMT+01:00 Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>:
On 25/01/2018 2:57 AM, Iñaki Úcar wrote:
For what it's worth, this is my workflow:
1. Get a fork.
2. From the master branch, create a new branch called fix-[something].
3. Put together the stuff there, commit, push and open a PR.
4. Checkout master and repeat from 2 to submit another patch.
Sometimes, I forget the step of creating the new branch and I put my
fix on top of the master branch, which complicates things a bit. But
you can always rename your fork's master and pull it again from
I saw no way to follow your renaming suggestion. Can you tell me the steps
it would take? Remember, there's already a PR from the master branch on my
fork. (This is for future reference; I already followed Gabor's more
complicated instructions and have solved the immediate problem.)
Sorry for the confusion: the step of renaming your master branch isn't
really needed, because you can pull the original master branch and
call it whatever you want in one command. The process is as follows:
Thanks. I've tried some of this, and am a little confused.
1) Add the upstream repo as another remote:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/the/original/repo
2) Pull the upstream master with a different name:
git pull upstream master:patch2
I've done all that, and now on my local copy I have a branch. I called
it "upstreamMaster", because at this point it matches the upstream
master, and I intend to maintain it that way.
3) Edit, add, commit and push patch2 to your fork:
git checkout patch2
git push origin patch2
I did this, except that the "..." contains nothing, because I want this
branch to continue.
But now my problem is that I can't see any way to tell Github about this
new branch. I ran
git push origin upstreamMaster
and got
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://github.com/dmurdoch/manipulateWidget
* [new branch] upstreamMaster -> upstreamMaster
but that branch doesn't show up in the Github web site.
Any suggestions?
Duncan Murdoch
4) open a fresh new PR from "patch2" (the first one is intact).
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