> On Jun 27, 2018, at 3:58 PM, Achim Zeileis <achim.zeil...@uibk.ac.at> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Jun 2018, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel wrote:
>> I now understand the issue, which leads to a different and deeper issue 
>> which is "how to assign a proper length to Surv objects".
>> > Surv(c(1,2,3), c(1,0,1))
>> [1] 1  2+ 3
>> The above prints as 3 elements and is conceptually 3 elements. But if I give 
>> it length method to return a 3 then I need a names method, and names<-  pays 
>> no attention to my defined length. How do we conceive of and manage a vector 
>> whose elements happen to require more than one storage slot for their 
>> representation?  An obvious example is the complex type, but it seems that 
>> had to be baked right down into the core.
> I think you just have to implement all methods required to make it look like 
> a vector even if it is internally a matrix. Thus, you need methods for length 
> and for names and names<-. Internally, the names can be stored as row names.

I think a closer look at model.response() would help. 

IIUC, the reasoning therein is that comparing 

        length(data[[1L]]) (aka `length(v)') 


        length(attr(data, "row.names")) (aka `nrows') 

is to decide whether names are sensibly assigned to `v'. I think for Surv 
objects they are not.

I suppose you could define

        `names<-.Surv` <- function(...) NULL

but that seems so silly I think there must be a better way. 

I am low on coffee right now, but I wonder if having a non-exported version of 
model.response in the survival package would solve this without breaking 
anything else. 


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