Despite my years with R, I didn't know about trace(). Thanks.

However, my decades in the minimization and root finding game make me like 
a trace that gives some info on the operation, the argument and the current 
function value.
I've usually found glitches are a result of things like >= rather than > in 
tests etc., and
knowing what was done is the quickest way to get there.

This is, of course, the numerical software developer view. I know "users" (a 
far too vague
term) don't like such output. I've sometimes been tempted with my svd or 
optimization codes to
have a return message in bold-caps "YOUR ANSWER IS WRONG AND THERE'S A LAWYER 
MAKE YOU PAY", but I usually just satisfy myself with "Not at a minimum/root".

Best, JN

On 2018-08-13 06:00 PM, William Dunlap wrote:
> I tend to avoid the the trace/verbose arguments for the various root finders 
> and optimizers and instead use the trace
> function or otherwise modify the function handed to the operator.  You can 
> print or plot the arguments or save them.  E.g.,
>> trace(ff, print=FALSE, quote(cat("x=", deparse(x), "\n", sep="")))
> [1] "ff"
>> ff0 <- uniroot(ff, c(0, 10))
> x=0
> x=10
> x=0.0678365490630423
> x=5.03391827453152
> x=0.490045026724842
> x=2.76198165062818
> x=1.09760394309444
> x=1.92979279686131
> x=1.34802524899502
> x=1.38677998493585
> x=1.3862897003949
> x=1.38635073555115
> x=1.3862897003949
> or
>> X <- numeric()
>> trace(ff, print=FALSE, quote(X[[length(X)+1]] <<- x))
> [1] "ff"
>> ff0 <- uniroot(ff, c(0, 10))
>> X
>  [1]  0.00000000 10.00000000  0.06783655
>  [4]  5.03391827  0.49004503  2.76198165
>  [7]  1.09760394  1.92979280  1.34802525
> [10]  1.38677998  1.38628970  1.38635074
> [13]  1.38628970
> This will not tell you why the objective function is being called (e.g. in a 
> line search
> or in derivative estimation), but some plotting or other postprocessing can 
> ususally figure that out.
> Bill Dunlap
> TIBCO Software
> wdunlap <>
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 11:35 AM, J C Nash < 
> <>> wrote:
>     In looking at rootfinding for the histoRicalg project (see 
>     <>),
>     I thought I would check how uniroot() solves some problems. The following 
> short example
>     ff <- function(x){ exp(0.5*x) - 2 }
>     ff(2)
>     ff(1)
>     uniroot(ff, 0, 10)
>     uniroot(ff, c(0, 10), trace=1)
>     uniroot(ff, c(0, 10), trace=TRUE)
>     shows that the trace parameter, as described in the Rd file, does not 
> seem to
>     be functional except in limited situations (and it suggests an
>     integer, then uses a logical for the example, e.g.,
>      ## numerically, f(-|M|) becomes zero :
>          u3 <- uniroot(exp, c(0,2), extendInt="yes", trace=TRUE)
>     )
>     When extendInt is set, then there is some information output, but trace 
> alone
>     produces nothing.
>     I looked at the source code -- it is in R-3.5.1/src/library/stats/R/nlm.R 
> and
>     calls zeroin2 code from R-3.5.1/src/library/stats/src/optimize.c as far 
> as I
>     can determing. My code inspection suggests trace does not show the 
> iterations
>     of the rootfinding, and only has effect when the search interval is 
> allowed
>     to be extended. It does not appear that there is any mechanism to ask
>     the zeroin2 C code to display intermediate work.
>     This isn't desperately important for me as I wrote an R version of the 
> code in
>     package rootoned on R-forge (which Martin Maechler adapted as unirootR.R 
> in
>     Rmpfr so multi-precision roots can be found). My zeroin.R has 'trace' to 
> get
>     the pattern of different steps. In fact it is a bit excessive. Note
>     unirootR.R uses 'verbose' rather than 'trace'. However, it would be nice 
> to be
>     able to see what is going on with uniroot() to verify equivalent 
> operation at
>     the same precision level. It is very easy for codes to be very slightly
>     different and give quite widely different output.
>     Indeed, even without the trace, we see (zeroin from rootoned here)
>     > zeroin(ff, c(0, 10), trace=FALSE)
>     $root
>     [1] 1.386294
>     $froot
>     [1] -5.658169e-10
>     $rtol
>     [1] 7.450581e-09
>     $maxit
>     [1] 9
>     > uniroot(ff, c(0, 10), trace=FALSE)
>     $root
>     [1] 1.38629
>     $f.root
>     [1] -4.66072e-06
>     $iter
>     [1] 10
>     $ <>
>     [1] NA
>     $estim.prec
>     [1] 6.103516e-05
>     >
>     Is the lack of trace a bug, or at least an oversight? Being able to 
> follow iterations is a
>     classic approach to checking that computations are proceeding as they 
> should.
>     Best, JN
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