On 09/05/2018 11:18 AM, Iñaki Ucar wrote:
The bottomline here is that one can always call a base method,
inexpensively and without modifying the object, in, let's say,
*formal* OOP languages. In R, this is not possible in general. It
would be possible if there was always a foo.default, but primitives
use internal dispatch.

I was wondering whether it would be possible to provide a super(x, n)
function which simply causes the dispatching system to avoid "n"
classes in the hierarchy, so that:

x <- structure(list(), class=c("foo", "bar"))
length(super(x, 0)) # looks for a length.foo
length(super(x, 1)) # looks for a length.bar
length(super(x, 2)) # calls the default
length(super(x, Inf)) # calls the default
I think that a cast should always to be for a specific class, defined by the name of the class. Identifying classes by their inheritance index might be unnecessarily brittle - it would break if someone introduced a new ancestor class. Apart from the syntax - supporting fast casts for S3 dispatch in the current implementation would be quite a bit of work, probably not worth it, also it would probably slow down the internal dispatch in primitives. But a partial solution could be implemented at some point with ALTREP wrappers when one could without copying create a wrapper object with a modified class attribute.


El mié., 5 sept. 2018 a las 10:09, Tomas Kalibera
(<tomas.kalib...@gmail.com>) escribió:
On 08/24/2018 07:55 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
Is there a low-level function that returns the length of an object 'x'
- the length that for instance .subset(x) and .subset2(x) see? An
obvious candidate would be to use:

.length <- function(x) length(unclass(x))

However, I'm concerned that calling unclass(x) may trigger an
expensive copy internally in some cases.  Is that concern unfounded?
Unclass() will always copy when "x" is really a variable, because the
value in "x" will be referenced; whether it is prohibitively expensive
or not depends only on the workload - if "x" is a very long list and
this functions is called often then it could, but at least to me this
sounds unlikely. Unless you have a strong reason to believe it is the
case I would just use length(unclass(x)).

If the copying is really a problem, I would think about why the
underlying vector length is needed at R level - whether you really need
to know the length without actually having the unclassed vector anyway
for something else, so whether you are not paying for the copy anyway.
Or, from the other end, if you need to do more without copying, and it
is possible without breaking the value semantics, then you might need to
switch to C anyway and for a bigger piece of code.

If it were still just .length() you needed and it were performance
critical, you could just switch to C and call Rf_length. That does not
violate the semantics, just indeed it is not elegant as you are
switching to C.

If you stick to R and can live with the overhead of length(unclass(x))
then there is a chance the overhead will decrease as R is optimized
internally. This is possible in principle when the runtime knows that
the unclassed vector is only needed to compute something that does not
modify the vector. The current R cannot optimize this out, but it should
be possible with ALTREP at some point (and as Radford mentioned pqR does
it differently). Even with such internal optimizations indeed it is
often necessary to make guesses about realistic workloads, so if you
have a realistic workload where say length(unclass(x)) is critical, you
are more than welcome to donate it as benchmark.

Obviously, if you use a C version calling Rf_length, after such R
optimization your code would be unnecessarily non-elegant, but would
still work and probably without overhead, because R can't do much less
than Rf_length. In more complicated cases though hand-optimized C code
to implement say 2 operations in sequence could be slower than what
better optimizing runtime could do by joining the effect of possibly
more operations, which is in principle another danger of switching from
R to C. But as far as the semantics is followed, there is no other danger.

The temptation should be small anyway in this case when Rf_length()
would be the simplest, but as I made it more than clear in the previous
email, one should never violate the value semantics by temporarily
modifying the object (temporarily removing the class attribute or
temporarily remove the object bit). Violating semantics causes bugs, if
not with the present then with future versions of R (where version may
be an svn revision). A concrete recent example: modifying objects in
place in violation of the semantics caused a lot of bugs with
introduction of unification of constants in the byte-code compiler.




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