>>>>> Marie-Helene Burle writes:

Thanks, will fix!


> Hello,
> I would like to report 2 very minor typos:

> 1. help file for package:base function:function

> The last sentence of the "Technical details" section reads:

> "This is not normally user-visible, but it indicated when functions are 
> printed."

> Either "is" is missing ("but it is indicated") or "it" should be replaced by 
> "is" ("but is indicated") if the subject is omitted.

> 2. R FAQ, mailing list section 
> (https://cran.r-project.org/doc/FAQ/R-FAQ.html#What-mailing-lists-exist-for-R_003f)

> For the R-package-devel list, the section reads:

> "A list which which provides a forum for learning about the R package 
> development process."

> (Double "which").

> If this was not the proper list or the proper way to report such minor typos, 
> please do let me know so that I will know better in the future.

> Thank you!

> Best,

> -----
> Marie-Helene Burle (Marie)

> PhD candidate (Centre for Wildlife Ecology)
> R Data Peer (Research Commons)
> Writing Facilitator (Student Learning Commons)
> Data and Software Carpentry instructor
> RStudio Community sustainer
> Scientific Programming Study Group admin
> -----
> Simon Fraser University
> (+1) 778 782-5618
> http://www.sfu.ca/content/sfu/biology/people/profiles/msb2.html
> https://github.com/prosoitos
> https://twitter.com/MHBurle

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