>>>>> Will L writes:

> To R-devel,
> In `R CMD build`, the ID of the user is automatically inserted into the
> DESCRIPTION file, e.g.

> Packaged: 2018-11-06 14:01:50 UTC; <MY USER ID>

> This is problematic for those of us who work in corporate settings. We must
> not divulge our user IDs in the packages we develop and release.

> Jim Hester pointed out that these two lines in
> `add_build_stamp_to_description_file()`
> <https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/521c90a175d67475b9f1b43d7ae68bc48062d8e6/src/library/tools/R/build.R#L170-L171>
> are responsible. Could we consider his suggestion of using an optional
> environment variable to overwrite the default behavior?

> user <- Sys.getenv("R_BUILD_USERNAME")
> if (!nzchar(user)) user <- Sys.info()["user"]
> if(user == "unknown") user <- Sys.getenv("LOGNAME")

Yep, something along these lines should be possible.
R_BUILD_USER or R_BUILD_LOGNAME may seem more natural though ...


> Will Landau
> -- 
> wlandau.github.io
> linkedin.com/in/wlandau
> github.com/wlandau

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