Conversely, what is the process to remove a package from core R? It seems
to me some (many?) of the packages included are there more out of
historical accident rather than any technical need to be in the core
distribution. Having them as a core (or recommended) package makes them
harder update independently to R and makes testing, development and
contribution more cumbersome.

On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 4:35 AM Morgan Morgan <>

> Hi,
> It sometimes happens that some packages get included to R like for example
> the parallel package.
> I was wondering if there is a process to decide whether or not to include a
> package in the core implementation of R?
> For example, why not include the Rcpp package, which became for a lot of
> user the main tool to extend R?
> What is our view on the (not so well known) dotCall64 package which is an
> interesting alternative for extending R?
> Thank you
> Best regards,
> Morgan
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