>>>>> Hugh Parsonage writes:

> If a function contains the pattern `<-` it is (with a few exceptions)
> deemed to be a replacement function and in particular must have second
> argument `value` to pass R CMD check.

> Consider the function %<->% or any other function containing <- within
> grapes. I claim that such functions should not be considered
> replacement functions and thus the R CMD check should not require its
> second argument to be `value`.

I just committed c76224 which drops %xxx% binops from the list of
(probable) replacement functions.

Thanks for spotting this!


> Recommend in the function tools::checkReplaceFuns

> grep("<-", objects_in_code,
>         value = TRUE)

> be changed to

> grep("<-$", objects_in_code,
>         value = TRUE)

> Hugh.

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